
Wednesdays of Lent

Have you ever wanted to be more consistent in prayer? Have you ever wanted to grow in your understanding of prayer? As we seek to follow Jesus, there are critical spiritual disciplines that help us grow in our faith and remain connected to Christ. One of the most important is that of prayer.  But for all its importance, it also proves to be more challenging for many Christians.  In this series, we will explore what prayer is and how to engage into an active and meaningful prayer life. 

Ash Wednesday Worship
March 5 at 12:15pm and 7pm (Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion)

Wednesday Lenten Worship (7pm only)
March 12
March 19 (with communion)
March 26
April 2 (with communion)
April 9 (with communion)

To receive upcoming Lenten devotions, text “LENT” to 812-775-2300 or download a copy.

Lenten Devotional

Weekends of Lent

Our weekend (Saturday and Sunday) messages during Lent will continue our focus on the Gospel of Matthew. Through this series, we will walk through the pages of Matthew and look to glean new insights that reveal the good news of the gospel to us as we explore the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, through the eyes of Matthew.

Holy Week

Traditional: Sunday, April 13 at 8am
Contemporary: Saturday, April 12 at 6pm and Sunday, April 13 at 10:45am

(There will not be a worship service on Wednesday, April 16)

Traditional worship at 12:15pm and 7pm with communion (7pm live streamed) 

GOOD FRIDAY - APRIL 18  (offices closed)
Traditional worship at 12:15pm and 7pm (7pm live streamed)
Contemporary worship at 5pm in the sanctuary (new time & location)

(There will not be a worship service on Saturday, April 19)

Easter Sunday

Traditional Sunrise: 6:30am
Traditional: 8am & 9:30am with communion (live streamed)
Contemporary: 11:15am with communion (new time) (live streamed)

(There will not be a worship service on Wednesday, April 23)

Worship after Easter

Contemporary: Saturday, April 26 at 6pm with communion

Traditional: Sunday, April 27 at 8am
Contemporary: Sunday, April 27 at 10:45am with communion

Traditional: Wednesday, April 30 at 7pm

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